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Introduction to a multi-tiered system of supports

This explainer provides an introduction to the multi-tiered system of supports framework (MTSS) for secondary school leaders and teachers looking to support students in improving their literacy and numeracy skills.

Explicit instruction optimises learning

This explainer provides an introduction to explicit instruction, with a focus on explaining how it contributes to positive outcomes for students’ learning achievement and dispositions.

Year 6 English Unit 2, Lesson 1: Example lesson plan

This example lesson plan was developed by Ochre Education and English teacher Melissa Garstang-Leary. It outlines her approach to teaching a Year 6 English lesson on identifying the features of a biography.

Introduction to the science of reading

Understanding the cognitive science behind how students learn to read and the research on effective instruction makes it easier for educators to align policy and classroom teaching with evidence.

Explicit instruction

Explicit instruction breaks down what students need to learn into smaller learning outcomes and models each step. It allows students to process new information more effectively.