37 – 48 of 54 results found

Agency publication

Consultation report

We asked the educators, teachers, education leaders and policymakers across Australia about what Australia's education evidence body should focus on.
Research report

Early childhood data in Australia: Scoping report

This report aims to guide and catalyse further work towards building a better early childhood education and care (ECEC) system to serve all Australian children and families.

Explicit instruction

Explicit instruction breaks down what students need to learn into smaller learning outcomes and models each step. It allows students to process new information more effectively.

Formative assessment

In formative assessment, you gather and interpret information about student learning as it is happening in your classroom. It helps you to adapt your teaching to meet student needs. 

Mastery learning

Mastery learning is a way of designing units of work so that each set of tasks focuses on a particular learning objective and students must master a task to move onto the next one.

Spacing and retrieval

Spacing and retrieval involves separating learning over multiple lessons and providing opportunities for students to recall what they have learned. This helps to commit learning to long-term memory.
Research report

What works for 'what works' centres

This report outlines findings from a desktop review of 'what works' for evidence intermediaries and the barriers and enablers to implementing evidence in education.