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Practice resource

Assessing whether evidence is relevant to your context

This practice resource is designed to help teachers, educators and leaders reflect on and decide whether a piece of evidence is relevant to their context and whether the corresponding approach is likely to be effective in their school, service or learning environment.
Practice resource

Interactive evidence decision-making tool

This tool is designed to help teachers, educators and leaders use evidence to make decisions about a new or existing practice or program based on AERO’s Standards of Evidence.
Practice resource

Evaluating non-academic sources

The Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose (CRAAP) test helps you to evaluate non-academic sources of evidence, such as a webpage.
Practice resource

Explicit instruction rubric

This rubric outlines a set of capabilities to do with the evidence-based practice of explicit instruction.
Practice resource

Explicit instruction: Example of practice

Examples of practice demonstrate effective practice in different education settings. You can use them to think about how to apply the practice in your own context.